Abydos Gate Abydos Gate Abydos Gate
Címoldal Fórum Vendégkönyv Hírek Letöltés Kérdőív E-mail Frissítések Linkek GYIK

1. évad | 2. évad | 3. évad | 4. évad | 5. évad | 6. évad | 7. évad | 8. évad | 9. évad | 10. évad 
Atlantis 1. évad | Atlantis 2. évad | Atlantis 3. évad | Atlantis 4. évad 
Infinity 1. évad | Universe 1. évad | Universe 2. évad | Egyéb | Vélemény, hibák | Utolsó 20 felirat


Német feliratok

Epizódcím Készítette Fordította Javította Nyelv DVD Form. Letöltés Feltöltötte Dátum
Stargate VisionText
DVD TXT 2583 Radu 2002.12.09
Timeline to the Future 1 - Legacy of the Gate VisionText
DVD SRT 2015 Radu 2003.06.30
Timeline to the Future 2 - Secrets of the Gate VisionText
DVD SRT 1901 Radu 2003.06.30
Timeline to the Future 3 - Beyond the Gate VisionText
DVD SRT 1903 Radu 2003.06.30
Stargate: Director's cut VisionText
DVD SRT 1917 Ida 2003.07.04
Costume Design - Christina McQuarrie VisionText
DVD SRT 1906 Ida 2003.07.05
Daniel Jackson - A Tribute VisionText
DVD SRT 1884 Ida 2003.07.05
Fan-club Spot VisionText
DVD SRT 1878 Ida 2003.07.05
Gateway to the Edge of the Universe VisionText
DVD SRT 1876 Ida 2003.07.05
Inside the Tomb VisionText
DVD SRT 1861 Ida 2003.07.05
Producing Stargate VisionText
DVD SRT 1857 Ida 2003.07.06
Production Design - Richard Hudolin VisionText
DVD SRT 1794 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on Colonel Jack O'Neill VisionText
DVD SRT 1862 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on Dr. Daniel Jackson VisionText
DVD SRT 1876 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on General George Hammond VisionText
DVD SRT 1903 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on Captain / Major Dr. Samantha Carter VisionText
DVD SRT 1928 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on Teal'c VisionText
DVD SRT 1803 Ida 2003.07.06
Season 5 - Gateway to Adventure VisionText
DVD SRT 1885 Ida 2003.07.06
Secret Files of the SGC - Alien Species - Friends and Foe VisionText
DVD SRT 1833 Ida 2003.07.06
Secret Files of the SGC - Enhanced Visual Effects VisionText
DVD SRT 1908 Ida 2003.07.06
Secret Files of the SGC - Personnel Files VisionText
DVD SRT 1856 Ida 2003.07.06
Secret Files of the SGC - The Stargate Universe VisionText
DVD SRT 1885 Ida 2003.07.06
The 100th Episode VisionText
DVD SRT 1809 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Amanda Tapping VisionText
DVD SRT 1849 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Christopher Judge VisionText
DVD SRT 1742 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Don S. Davis VisionText
DVD SRT 1808 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Michael Shanks VisionText
DVD SRT 1815 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Teryl Rothery VisionText
DVD SRT 1814 Ida 2003.07.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x01 Redemption I. (Megváltás I.) and 6x02 Redemption II. (Megváltás II.) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1865 Ida 2003.07.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x03 Descent (Zuhanás) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1798 Ida 2003.07.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x04 Frozen (Jégbe fagyva) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1820 Ida 2003.07.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x05 Nightwalkers (Az éjszaka fiai) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1841 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x06 Abyss (A mélység) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1886 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x07 Shadow Play (Árnyjáték) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1831 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x08 The Other Guys (A többi fickó) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1831 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x09 Allegiance (Szövetség) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1724 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x10 Cure (A gyógyszer) (Andy Mikita) VisionText
DVD SRT 1858 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x11 Prometheus (Prométheusz) (Peter F. Woeste) VisionText
DVD SRT 1798 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x14 Smoke And Mirrors (Hatalmi harc) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1813 Ida 2003.07.04
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x16 Metamorphosis (Metamorfózis) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1833 Ida 2003.07.04
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x19 The Changeling (Az átváltozás) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1709 Ida 2003.10.24
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x20 Memento (Mementó) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1699 Ida 2003.10.24
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x21 Prophecy (A prófécia) (William Waring) VisionText
DVD SRT 1748 Ida 2003.10.24
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x22 Full Circle (A kör bezárul) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1651 Ida 2003.10.24
Videodiary Richard Dean Anderson VisionText
DVD SRT 1735 Ida 2003.10.24
The Lowdown - Part 1 VisionText
DVD SRT 1682 Ida 2003.10.24
The Lowdown - Part 2 VisionText
DVD SRT 1690 Ida 2003.10.24
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x03 Fragile Balance (Törékeny egyensúly) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1552 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Beyond The Gate - Michael Shanks VisionText
DVD SRT 1570 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x05 Revisions (Javítások) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1555 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x08 Space Race (A verseny) (Andy Mikita) VisionText
DVD SRT 1552 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x09 Avenger 2.0 (Avenger 2.0) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1547 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Beyond The Gate - Christopher Judge VisionText
DVD SRT 1460 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x16 Death Knell (Lélekharang) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1435 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Beyond The Gate - Richard Dean Anderson VisionText
DVD SRT 1491 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Beyond The Gate - Amanda Tapping VisionText
DVD SRT 1450 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x17 Heroes I. (Hősök I.) and 7x18 Heroes II. (Hősök II.) (Andy Mikita) VisionText
DVD SRT 1439 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x19 Resurrection (Feltámadás) (Amanda Tapping) VisionText
DVD SRT 1448 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Preview to Stargate Atlantis VisionText
DVD SRT 1447 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x21 Lost City I. (Az elveszett város I.) and 7x22 Lost City II. (Az elveszett város II.) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1553 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Journey Inside Lost City - The Storyboard Process VisionText
DVD SRT 1574 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Journey Inside Lost City - Bra'tac vs. Ronan - Designing the Fight VisionText
DVD SRT 1461 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Journey Inside Lost City - Stargate Magic - Inside the Lab VisionText
DVD SRT 1468 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Journey Inside Lost City VisionText
DVD SRT 1441 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Richard Dean Anderson - My Life as a Mime VisionText
DVD SRT 1500 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Stargate Atlantis Set Tour with Martin Wood & Peter DeLuise SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1450 Beatbull 2005.04.08
Videodiary Rainbow Sun Francks SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1423 Beatbull 2005.05.06
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x10 The Storm (A vihar) , A1x11 The Eye (A szem) (Martin Wood) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1483 Beatbull 2005.05.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x06 Avatar (Avatar) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1573 Beatbull 2005.05.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x08 Covenant (Egyezség) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1421 Beatbull 2005.05.06
From Stargate To Atlantis - The Lowdown Part 1 VisionText
DVD SRT 1457 Beatbull 2005.05.06
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x14 Sanctuary (Menedék) (Andy Mikita) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1392 Beatbull 2005.06.03
Wraithal Discrimination: It's Not Easy Being Green SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1424 Beatbull 2005.06.03
From Stargate To Atlantis - The Lowdown Part 2 VisionText
DVD SRT 1404 Beatbull 2005.06.03
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x15 Before I Sleep (Mielőtt elaludnék) (Andy Mikita) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1403 Beatbull 2005.06.27
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x16 The Brotherhood (A testvériség) (Martin Wood) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1438 Beatbull 2005.06.27
Behind the Stargate: Secrets Revealed Part 1 SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1514 Beatbull 2005.06.27
Supersoldier: The Making Of A Monster VisionText
DVD SRT 1442 Beatbull 2005.07.17
Beyond the Gate: A Convention Experience With Amanda Tapping VisionText
DVD SRT 1410 Beatbull 2005.07.17
Beyond the Gate: A Convention Experience With Michael Shanks VisionText
DVD SRT 1470 Beatbull 2005.07.17
Behind the Stargate: Secrets Revealed Part 2 SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1397 Beatbull 2005.07.23
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x19 The Siege I. (Az ostrom I.) , A1x20 The Siege II. (Az ostrom II.) (Martin Wood) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1494 Beatbull 2005.07.23
A Look Back On Stargate Atlantis Season One With Martin Gero SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1482 Beatbull 2005.07.23
Preview to Stargate Atlantis Season 2 SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1502 Beatbull 2005.07.23
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x18 Threads (Elvarratlan szálak) (Andy Mikita) VisionText
DVD SRT 1429 Beatbull 2005.07.28
Beyond the Gate: A Convention Experience With Christopher Judge VisionText
DVD SRT 1457 Beatbull 2005.07.28
Profile on Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie VisionText
DVD SRT 1434 Beatbull 2005.07.28
Beyond the Gate: An Airforce Experience With Richard Dean Anderson VisionText
DVD SRT 1406 Beatbull 2005.07.28
The Last Day Of Teal'c VisionText
DVD SRT 1473 Beatbull 2005.09.18
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x16 Reckoning I. (Leszámolás I.) and 8x17 Reckoning II. (Leszámolás II.) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1418 Beatbull 2005.09.18
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x19 Moebius I. (Moebius I.) and 8x20 Moebius II. (Moebius II.) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1419 Beatbull 2005.09.18
Making Of Stargate Alliance VisionText
DVD SRT 1444 Beatbull 2005.09.16
It Takes A Crew To Raise A Village SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1265 Beatbull 2006.08.30
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x01 Avalon I. (Avalon I.) and 9x02 Avalon II. (Avalon II.) (Andy Mikita) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1349 Beatbull 2006.08.30
Inside The Stargate Prop Department SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1315 Beatbull 2006.08.30
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x05 The Powers That Be (Isteni hatalom) (William Waring) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1299 Beatbull 2006.08.30
Inside The Stargate Special Effects Department SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1263 Beatbull 2006.09.05
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x09 Prototype (Prototípus) (Peter DeLuise) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1269 Beatbull 2006.09.05
Stargate SG-1: An Introduction To Ben Browder SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1253 Beatbull 2006.09.05
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x15 Ethon (Ethon) (Ken Girotti) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1230 Beatbull 2006.09.05
Profile on Brad Wright SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1282 Beatbull 2006.09.05
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x19 Crusade (Keresztes háború) (Robert C. Cooper) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1296 Beatbull 2006.09.05
1x01 Children Of The Gods VisionText
DVD SRT 2397 Radu 2003.06.29
1x02 The Enemy Within VisionText
DVD SRT 1935 Ida 2003.10.31
1x03 Emancipation VisionText
DVD SRT 1914 Ida 2003.10.31
1x04 The Broca Divide VisionText
DVD SRT 1908 Ida 2003.10.31
1x05 The First Commandment VisionText
DVD SRT 1927 Ida 2003.10.31
1x06 Cold Lazarus VisionText
DVD SRT 1844 Ida 2003.10.31
1x07 The Nox VisionText
DVD SRT 1914 Ida 2003.10.31
1x08 Brief Candle VisionText
DVD SRT 1905 Ida 2003.10.31
1x09 Thor's Hammer VisionText
DVD SRT 1964 Radu 2003.06.29
1x10 The Torment Of Tantalus VisionText
DVD SRT 1833 Ida 2003.10.31
1x11 Bloodlines VisionText
DVD SRT 1823 Ida 2003.10.31
1x12 Fire And Water VisionText
DVD SRT 1844 Ida 2003.10.31
1x13 Hathor VisionText
DVD SRT 1894 Radu 2003.06.29
1x14 Singularity VisionText
DVD SRT 1811 Ida 2003.10.31
1x15 Cor-Ai VisionText
DVD SRT 1805 Ida 2003.10.31
1x16 Enigma VisionText
DVD SRT 1804 Ida 2003.10.31
1x17 Solitudes VisionText
DVD SRT 1811 Ida 2003.10.31
1x18 Tin Man VisionText
DVD SRT 1827 Ida 2003.10.31
1x19 There But For The Grace Of God VisionText
DVD SRT 1934 Radu 2003.06.29
1x20 Politics VisionText
DVD SRT 1918 Radu 2003.06.29
1x21 Within The Serpent's Grasp VisionText
DVD SRT 1936 Radu 2003.06.29
2x01 The Serpent's Lair VisionText Sabine Asen...
DVD SRT 2109 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x02 In The Line Of Duty VisionText Sabine Asen...
DVD SRT 1984 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x03 Prisoners VisionText Sabine Asen...
DVD SRT 1980 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x04 The Gamekeeper VisionText Astrid Fuhr...
DVD SRT 1988 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x05 Need VisionText Sabine Asen...
DVD SRT 1984 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x06 Thor's Chariot VisionText Sabine Asen...
DVD SRT 1954 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x07 Message In A Bottle VisionText Astrid Fuhr...
DVD SRT 1991 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x08 Family VisionText Sabine Asen...
DVD SRT 1950 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x09 Secrets VisionText Sabine Asen...
DVD SRT 1922 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x10 Bane VisionText Astrid Fuhr...
DVD SRT 1954 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x11 The Tok'ra I. VisionText Sandra Fröh...
DVD SRT 1943 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x12 The Tok'ra II. VisionText
DVD SRT 1832 Radu 2003.07.12
2x13 Spirits VisionText Rainer Schw...
DVD SRT 1941 Giraffe 2002.12.09
2x14 Touchstone VisionText
DVD SRT 1876 Radu 2003.06.29
2x15 A Matter Of Time VisionText
DVD SRT 1927 Radu 2003.06.29
2x16 The Fifth Race VisionText
DVD SRT 1894 Radu 2003.06.29
2x17 Serpent's Song VisionText
DVD SRT 1882 Radu 2003.06.29
2x18 Holiday VisionText
DVD SRT 1887 Radu 2003.06.29
2x19 One False Step VisionText
DVD SRT 1839 Radu 2003.06.29
2x20 Show And Tell VisionText
DVD SRT 1869 Radu 2003.06.29
2x21 1969 VisionText
DVD SRT 1913 Radu 2003.06.29
2x22 Out Of Mind VisionText
DVD SRT 1773 Radu 2003.06.29
3x01 Into The Fire VisionText
DVD SRT 1980 Radu 2003.06.30
3x02 Seth VisionText
DVD SRT 1899 Radu 2003.06.30
3x03 Fair Game VisionText
DVD SRT 1879 Radu 2003.06.30
3x04 Legacy VisionText
DVD SRT 1922 Radu 2003.06.30
3x05 Learning Curve VisionText
DVD SRT 1869 Radu 2003.06.30
3x06 Point Of View VisionText
DVD SRT 1823 Radu 2003.06.30
3x07 Deadman Switch VisionText
DVD SRT 1833 Radu 2003.06.30
3x08 Demons VisionText
DVD SRT 1855 Radu 2003.06.30
3x09 Rules Of Engagement VisionText
DVD SRT 1812 Radu 2003.06.30
3x10 Forever In A Day VisionText
DVD SRT 1847 Radu 2003.06.30
3x11 Past And Present VisionText
DVD SRT 1804 Radu 2003.06.30
3x12 Jolinar's Memories VisionText
DVD SRT 1826 Radu 2003.06.30
3x13 The Devil You Know VisionText
DVD SRT 1815 Radu 2003.06.30
3x14 Foothold VisionText
DVD SRT 1827 Radu 2003.06.30
3x15 Pretense VisionText
DVD SRT 1401 Beatbull 2006.08.30
3x16 Urgo VisionText
DVD SRT 1803 Radu 2003.06.30
3x17 A Hundred Days VisionText
DVD SRT 1763 Radu 2003.06.30
3x18 Shades Of Grey VisionText
DVD SRT 1812 Radu 2003.06.30
3x19 New Ground VisionText
DVD SRT 1844 Radu 2003.06.30
3x20 Maternal Instinct VisionText
DVD SRT 1827 Radu 2003.06.30
3x21 Crystal Skull VisionText
DVD SRT 1840 Radu 2003.06.30
3x22 Nemesis VisionText
DVD SRT 1788 Radu 2003.06.30
4x01 Small Victories VisionText
DVD SRT 1987 Radu 2003.07.01
4x02 The Other Side VisionText
DVD SRT 1835 Radu 2003.07.01
4x03 Upgrades VisionText
DVD SRT 1775 Radu 2003.07.01
4x04 Crossroads VisionText
DVD SRT 1787 Radu 2003.07.01
4x05 Divide And Conquer VisionText
DVD SRT 1832 Radu 2003.07.01
4x06 Window Of Opportunity VisionText
DVD SRT 1850 Radu 2003.07.01
4x07 Watergate VisionText
DVD SRT 1856 Radu 2003.07.01
4x08 The First Ones VisionText
DVD SRT 1807 Radu 2003.07.01
4x09 Scorched Earth VisionText
DVD SRT 1727 Radu 2003.07.01
4x10 Beneath The Surface VisionText
DVD SRT 1774 Radu 2003.07.01
4x11 Point Of No Return VisionText
DVD SRT 1732 Radu 2003.07.01
4x12 Tangent VisionText
DVD SRT 1828 Radu 2003.07.01
4x13 The Curse VisionText
DVD SRT 1763 Radu 2003.07.01
4x14 The Serpent's Venom VisionText
DVD SRT 1782 Radu 2003.07.01
4x15 Chain Reaction VisionText
DVD SRT 1814 Radu 2003.07.01
4x16 2010 VisionText
DVD SRT 1819 Radu 2003.07.01
4x17 Absolute Power VisionText
DVD SRT 1730 Radu 2003.07.01
4x18 The Light VisionText
DVD SRT 1800 Radu 2003.07.01
4x19 Prodigy VisionText
DVD SRT 1796 Radu 2003.07.01
4x20 Entity VisionText
DVD SRT 1709 Radu 2003.07.01
4x21 Double Jeopardy VisionText
DVD SRT 1746 Radu 2003.07.01
4x22 Exodus VisionText
DVD SRT 1692 Radu 2003.07.01
5x01 Enemies VisionText
DVD SRT 1865 Ida 2003.07.15
5x02 Threshold VisionText
DVD SRT 1759 Ida 2003.07.15
5x03 Ascension VisionText
DVD SRT 1717 Ida 2003.07.15
5x04 The Fifth Man VisionText
DVD SRT 1750 Ida 2003.07.15
5x05 Red Sky VisionText
DVD SRT 1690 Ida 2003.07.15
5x06 Rite Of Passage VisionText
DVD SRT 1876 Ida 2003.07.15
5x07 Beast Of Burden VisionText
DVD SRT 1734 Ida 2003.07.17
5x08 The Tomb VisionText
DVD SRT 1780 Ida 2003.07.17
5x09 Between Two Fires VisionText
DVD SRT 1698 Ida 2003.07.17
5x10 2001 VisionText
DVD SRT 1667 Ida 2003.07.20
5x11 Desperate Measures VisionText
DVD SRT 1706 Ida 2003.07.20
5x12 Wormhole X-Treme! VisionText
DVD SRT 1668 Ida 2003.07.20
5x13 Proving Ground VisionText
DVD SRT 1632 Ida 2003.07.20
5x14 48 Hours VisionText
DVD SRT 1628 Ida 2003.07.20
5x15 Summit VisionText
DVD SRT 1685 Ida 2003.07.20
5x16 Last Stand VisionText
DVD SRT 1615 Ida 2003.07.20
5x17 Fail Safe VisionText
DVD SRT 1659 Ida 2003.07.20
5x18 The Warrior VisionText
DVD SRT 1671 Ida 2003.07.20
5x19 Menace VisionText
DVD SRT 1711 Ida 2003.07.21
5x20 The Sentinel VisionText
DVD SRT 1658 Ida 2003.07.21
5x21 Meridian VisionText
DVD SRT 1731 Ida 2003.07.21
5x22 Revelations VisionText
DVD SRT 1680 Ida 2003.07.21
6x01 Redemption I. VisionText
DVD SRT 1883 Ida 2003.07.01
6x02 Redemption II. VisionText
DVD SRT 1806 Ida 2003.07.01
6x03 Descent VisionText
DVD SRT 1710 Ida 2003.07.01
6x04 Frozen VisionText
DVD SRT 1737 Ida 2003.07.01
6x05 Nightwalkers VisionText
DVD SRT 1791 Ida 2003.07.01
6x06 Abyss VisionText
DVD SRT 1790 Ida 2003.07.01
6x07 Shadow Play VisionText
DVD SRT 1720 Ida 2003.07.01
6x08 The Other Guys VisionText
DVD SRT 1736 Ida 2003.07.01
6x09 Allegiance VisionText
DVD SRT 1751 Ida 2003.07.01
6x10 Cure VisionText
DVD SRT 1761 Ida 2003.07.01
6x11 Prometheus VisionText
DVD SRT 1699 Ida 2003.07.01
6x12 Unnatural Selection VisionText
DVD SRT 1754 Ida 2003.07.01
6x13 Sight Unseen VisionText
DVD SRT 1698 Ida 2003.07.03
6x14 Smoke And Mirrors VisionText
DVD SRT 1675 Ida 2003.07.03
6x15 Paradise Lost VisionText
DVD SRT 1726 Ida 2003.07.03
6x16 Metamorphosis VisionText
DVD SRT 1738 Ida 2003.07.03
6x17 Disclosure VisionText
DVD SRT 1695 Ida 2003.10.12
6x18 Forsaken VisionText
DVD SRT 1692 Ida 2003.10.12
6x19 The Changeling VisionText
DVD SRT 1637 Ida 2003.10.12
6x20 Memento VisionText
DVD SRT 1666 Ida 2003.10.12
6x21 Prophecy VisionText
DVD SRT 1684 Ida 2003.10.12
6x22 Full Circle VisionText
DVD SRT 1685 Ida 2003.10.12
7x01 Fallen VisionText Sabine Dörf...
DVD SRT 1699 2004.03.26
7x02 Homecoming VisionText Sabine Dörf...
DVD SRT 1614 2004.03.26
7x03 Fragile Balance VisionText Anja Röger
DVD SRT 1584 2004.03.26
7x04 Orpheus VisionText
DVD SRT 1602 2004.03.26
7x05 Revisions VisionText Frank Schrö...
DVD SRT 1575 2004.03.26
7x06 Lifeboat VisionText Frank Schrö...
DVD SRT 1572 2004.03.26
7x07 Enemy Mine VisionText Kristin Ger...
DVD SRT 1633 2004.03.26
7x08 Space Race VisionText Kristin Ger...
DVD SRT 1588 2004.03.26
7x09 Avenger 2.0 VisionText
DVD SRT 1525 Ida 2004.05.29
7x10 Birthright VisionText
DVD SRT 1565 Ida 2004.05.29
7x11 Evolution I. VisionText
DVD SRT 1534 Ida 2004.05.29
7x12 Evolution II. VisionText
DVD SRT 1576 Ida 2004.05.29
7x13 Grace VisionText
DVD SRT 1550 Ida 2004.05.21
7x14 Fallout VisionText
DVD SRT 1532 Ida 2004.05.21
7x15 Chimera VisionText
DVD SRT 1519 Ida 2004.05.21
7x16 Death Knell VisionText
DVD SRT 1501 Ida 2004.05.21
7x17 Heroes I. VisionText Ursula Runde
DVD SRT 1484 Beatbull 2004.12.10
7x18 Heroes II. VisionText Ursula Runde
DVD SRT 1566 Beatbull 2004.12.10
7x19 Resurrection VisionText Jens Haus
DVD SRT 1528 Beatbull 2004.12.10
7x20 Inauguration VisionText Renata Henkes
DVD SRT 1464 Beatbull 2004.12.10
7x21 Lost City I. VisionText 7x21-22 in ...
DVD SRT 1613 Beatbull 2004.12.10
8x01 New Order I. VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1673 Beatbull 2005.04.29
8x03 Lockdown VisionText Ursula Runde
DVD SRT 1578 Beatbull 2005.04.29
8x04 Zero Hour VisionText Ursula Runde
DVD SRT 1559 Beatbull 2005.04.29
8x05 Icon VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1542 Beatbull 2005.05.26
8x06 Avatar VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1561 Beatbull 2005.05.26
8x07 Affinity VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1570 Beatbull 2005.05.26
8x08 Covenant VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1552 Beatbull 2005.05.26
8x09 Sacrifices VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1536 Beatbull 2005.07.07
8x10 Endgame VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1592 Beatbull 2005.07.07
8x11 Gemini VisionText Kristin Ger...
DVD SRT 1540 Beatbull 2005.07.28
8x12 Prometheus Unbound VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1535 Beatbull 2005.07.07
8x13 It's Good To Be King VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1504 Beatbull 2005.07.28
8x14 Full Alert VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1528 Beatbull 2005.07.28
8x15 Citizen Joe VisionText Kristin Ger...
DVD SRT 1514 Beatbull 2005.09.14
8x16 Reckoning I. VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1509 Beatbull 2005.09.14
8x17 Reckoning II. VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1553 Beatbull 2005.09.14
8x18 Threads VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1546 Beatbull 2005.09.14
8x19 Moebius I. VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1550 Beatbull 2005.09.16
8x20 Moebius II. VisionText Ilona Stahl...
DVD SRT 1510 Beatbull 2005.09.16
9x01 Avalon I. SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1498 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x01 Avalon I. Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1348 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x02 Avalon II. SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1377 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x02 Avalon II. Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1281 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x03 Origin SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1326 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x03 Origin Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1308 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x04 The Ties That Bind SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1410 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x04 The Ties That Bind Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1285 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x05 The Powers That Be SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1313 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x05 The Powers That Be Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1235 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x06 Beach Head SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1357 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x06 Beach Head Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1245 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x07 Ex Deus Machina SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1258 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x07 Ex Deus Machina Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1264 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x08 Babylon SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1317 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x08 Babylon Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1246 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x09 Prototype SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1348 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x09 Prototype Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1269 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x10 The Fourth Horseman I. SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1355 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x10 The Fourth Horseman I. Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1247 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x11 The Fourth Horseman II. SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1455 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x11 The Fourth Horseman II. Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1255 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x12 Collateral Damage SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1442 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x12 Collateral Damage Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1351 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x13 Ripple Effect SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1395 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x13 Ripple Effect Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1394 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x14 Stronghold SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1336 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x14 Stronghold Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1411 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x15 Ethon SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1327 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x15 Ethon Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1255 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x16 Off The Grid SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1286 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x16 Off The Grid Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1225 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x17 The Scourge SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1316 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x17 The Scourge Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1277 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x18 Arthur's Mantle SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1361 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x18 Arthur's Mantle Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1295 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x19 Crusade SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1312 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x19 Crusade Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1362 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x20 Camelot SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1329 Beatbull 2006.08.30
9x20 Camelot Audio commentary
DVD SRT 1360 Beatbull 2006.08.30
A1x01 Rising I. SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1821 Beatbull 2005.04.08
A1x03 Hide And Seek SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1599 Beatbull 2005.04.08
A1x04 Thirty Eight Minutes SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1505 Beatbull 2005.04.08
A1x05 Suspicion SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1497 Beatbull 2005.04.29
A1x06 Childhood's End SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1489 Beatbull 2005.04.29
A1x07 Poisoning The Well SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1440 Beatbull 2005.04.29
A1x08 Underground SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1481 Beatbull 2005.05.21
A1x09 Home SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1529 Beatbull 2005.04.29
A1x10 The Storm SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1474 Beatbull 2005.05.21
A1x11 The Eye SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1491 Beatbull 2005.05.21
A1x12 The Defiant One SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1498 Beatbull 2005.05.21
A1x13 Hot Zone SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1470 Beatbull 2005.06.27
A1x14 Sanctuary SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1463 Beatbull 2005.06.27
A1x15 Before I Sleep SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1484 Beatbull 2005.06.27
A1x16 The Brotherhood SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1478 Beatbull 2005.06.27
A1x17 Letters From Pegasus SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1499 Beatbull 2005.07.22
A1x18 The Gift SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1488 Beatbull 2005.07.22
A1x19 The Siege I. SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1490 Beatbull 2005.07.22
A1x20 The Siege II. SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1502 Beatbull 2005.07.22
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DVD SRT 1298 Radu 2009.04.18
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DVD SRT 1288 Radu 2009.04.18

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