Abydos Gate Abydos Gate Abydos Gate
Címoldal Fórum Vendégkönyv Hírek Letöltés Kérdőív E-mail Frissítések Linkek GYIK

1. évad | 2. évad | 3. évad | 4. évad | 5. évad | 6. évad | 7. évad | 8. évad | 9. évad | 10. évad 
Atlantis 1. évad | Atlantis 2. évad | Atlantis 3. évad | Atlantis 4. évad 
Infinity 1. évad | Universe 1. évad | Universe 2. évad | Egyéb | Vélemény, hibák | Utolsó 20 felirat


Német feliratok

Epizódcím Készítette Fordította Javította Nyelv DVD Form. Letöltés Feltöltötte Dátum
Stargate VisionText
DVD TXT 2537 Radu 2002.12.09
Timeline to the Future 1 - Legacy of the Gate VisionText
DVD SRT 1967 Radu 2003.06.30
Timeline to the Future 2 - Secrets of the Gate VisionText
DVD SRT 1860 Radu 2003.06.30
Timeline to the Future 3 - Beyond the Gate VisionText
DVD SRT 1860 Radu 2003.06.30
Stargate: Director's cut VisionText
DVD SRT 1880 Ida 2003.07.04
Costume Design - Christina McQuarrie VisionText
DVD SRT 1867 Ida 2003.07.05
Daniel Jackson - A Tribute VisionText
DVD SRT 1847 Ida 2003.07.05
Fan-club Spot VisionText
DVD SRT 1844 Ida 2003.07.05
Gateway to the Edge of the Universe VisionText
DVD SRT 1832 Ida 2003.07.05
Inside the Tomb VisionText
DVD SRT 1829 Ida 2003.07.05
Producing Stargate VisionText
DVD SRT 1821 Ida 2003.07.06
Production Design - Richard Hudolin VisionText
DVD SRT 1761 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on Colonel Jack O'Neill VisionText
DVD SRT 1829 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on Dr. Daniel Jackson VisionText
DVD SRT 1839 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on General George Hammond VisionText
DVD SRT 1870 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on Captain / Major Dr. Samantha Carter VisionText
DVD SRT 1897 Ida 2003.07.06
Profile on Teal'c VisionText
DVD SRT 1766 Ida 2003.07.06
Season 5 - Gateway to Adventure VisionText
DVD SRT 1852 Ida 2003.07.06
Secret Files of the SGC - Alien Species - Friends and Foe VisionText
DVD SRT 1801 Ida 2003.07.06
Secret Files of the SGC - Enhanced Visual Effects VisionText
DVD SRT 1872 Ida 2003.07.06
Secret Files of the SGC - Personnel Files VisionText
DVD SRT 1822 Ida 2003.07.06
Secret Files of the SGC - The Stargate Universe VisionText
DVD SRT 1853 Ida 2003.07.06
The 100th Episode VisionText
DVD SRT 1775 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Amanda Tapping VisionText
DVD SRT 1814 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Christopher Judge VisionText
DVD SRT 1709 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Don S. Davis VisionText
DVD SRT 1774 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Michael Shanks VisionText
DVD SRT 1780 Ida 2003.07.06
Videodiary Teryl Rothery VisionText
DVD SRT 1778 Ida 2003.07.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x01 Redemption I. (Megváltás I.) and 6x02 Redemption II. (Megváltás II.) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1832 Ida 2003.07.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x03 Descent (Zuhanás) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1763 Ida 2003.07.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x04 Frozen (Jégbe fagyva) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1789 Ida 2003.07.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x05 Nightwalkers (Az éjszaka fiai) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1797 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x06 Abyss (A mélység) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1852 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x07 Shadow Play (Árnyjáték) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1787 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x08 The Other Guys (A többi fickó) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1785 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x09 Allegiance (Szövetség) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1685 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x10 Cure (A gyógyszer) (Andy Mikita) VisionText
DVD SRT 1821 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x11 Prometheus (Prométheusz) (Peter F. Woeste) VisionText
DVD SRT 1762 Ida 2003.07.03
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x14 Smoke And Mirrors (Hatalmi harc) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1777 Ida 2003.07.04
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x16 Metamorphosis (Metamorfózis) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1800 Ida 2003.07.04
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x19 The Changeling (Az átváltozás) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1672 Ida 2003.10.24
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x20 Memento (Mementó) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1665 Ida 2003.10.24
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x21 Prophecy (A prófécia) (William Waring) VisionText
DVD SRT 1709 Ida 2003.10.24
SG-1 Directors Series - 6x22 Full Circle (A kör bezárul) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1617 Ida 2003.10.24
Videodiary Richard Dean Anderson VisionText
DVD SRT 1698 Ida 2003.10.24
The Lowdown - Part 1 VisionText
DVD SRT 1648 Ida 2003.10.24
The Lowdown - Part 2 VisionText
DVD SRT 1658 Ida 2003.10.24
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x03 Fragile Balance (Törékeny egyensúly) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1519 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Beyond The Gate - Michael Shanks VisionText
DVD SRT 1533 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x05 Revisions (Javítások) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1521 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x08 Space Race (A verseny) (Andy Mikita) VisionText
DVD SRT 1515 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x09 Avenger 2.0 (Avenger 2.0) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1516 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Beyond The Gate - Christopher Judge VisionText
DVD SRT 1425 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x16 Death Knell (Lélekharang) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1401 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Beyond The Gate - Richard Dean Anderson VisionText
DVD SRT 1457 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Beyond The Gate - Amanda Tapping VisionText
DVD SRT 1419 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x17 Heroes I. (Hősök I.) and 7x18 Heroes II. (Hősök II.) (Andy Mikita) VisionText
DVD SRT 1402 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x19 Resurrection (Feltámadás) (Amanda Tapping) VisionText
DVD SRT 1410 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Preview to Stargate Atlantis VisionText
DVD SRT 1415 Beatbull 2004.12.10
SG-1 Directors Series - 7x21 Lost City I. (Az elveszett város I.) and 7x22 Lost City II. (Az elveszett város II.) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1519 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Journey Inside Lost City - The Storyboard Process VisionText
DVD SRT 1540 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Journey Inside Lost City - Bra'tac vs. Ronan - Designing the Fight VisionText
DVD SRT 1428 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Journey Inside Lost City - Stargate Magic - Inside the Lab VisionText
DVD SRT 1433 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Journey Inside Lost City VisionText
DVD SRT 1408 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Behind the Scenes - Richard Dean Anderson - My Life as a Mime VisionText
DVD SRT 1456 Beatbull 2004.12.10
Stargate Atlantis Set Tour with Martin Wood & Peter DeLuise SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1413 Beatbull 2005.04.08
Videodiary Rainbow Sun Francks SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1385 Beatbull 2005.05.06
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x10 The Storm (A vihar) , A1x11 The Eye (A szem) (Martin Wood) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1440 Beatbull 2005.05.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x06 Avatar (Avatar) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1531 Beatbull 2005.05.06
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x08 Covenant (Egyezség) (Martin Wood) VisionText
DVD SRT 1382 Beatbull 2005.05.06
From Stargate To Atlantis - The Lowdown Part 1 VisionText
DVD SRT 1415 Beatbull 2005.05.06
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x14 Sanctuary (Menedék) (Andy Mikita) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1358 Beatbull 2005.06.03
Wraithal Discrimination: It's Not Easy Being Green SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1391 Beatbull 2005.06.03
From Stargate To Atlantis - The Lowdown Part 2 VisionText
DVD SRT 1373 Beatbull 2005.06.03
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x15 Before I Sleep (Mielőtt elaludnék) (Andy Mikita) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1364 Beatbull 2005.06.27
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x16 The Brotherhood (A testvériség) (Martin Wood) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1403 Beatbull 2005.06.27
Behind the Stargate: Secrets Revealed Part 1 SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1474 Beatbull 2005.06.27
Supersoldier: The Making Of A Monster VisionText
DVD SRT 1404 Beatbull 2005.07.17
Beyond the Gate: A Convention Experience With Amanda Tapping VisionText
DVD SRT 1369 Beatbull 2005.07.17
Beyond the Gate: A Convention Experience With Michael Shanks VisionText
DVD SRT 1430 Beatbull 2005.07.17
Behind the Stargate: Secrets Revealed Part 2 SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1357 Beatbull 2005.07.23
Atlantis Mission Directive: A1x19 The Siege I. (Az ostrom I.) , A1x20 The Siege II. (Az ostrom II.) (Martin Wood) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1459 Beatbull 2005.07.23
A Look Back On Stargate Atlantis Season One With Martin Gero SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1446 Beatbull 2005.07.23
Preview to Stargate Atlantis Season 2 SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1460 Beatbull 2005.07.23
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x18 Threads (Elvarratlan szálak) (Andy Mikita) VisionText
DVD SRT 1392 Beatbull 2005.07.28
Beyond the Gate: A Convention Experience With Christopher Judge VisionText
DVD SRT 1421 Beatbull 2005.07.28
Profile on Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie VisionText
DVD SRT 1396 Beatbull 2005.07.28
Beyond the Gate: An Airforce Experience With Richard Dean Anderson VisionText
DVD SRT 1374 Beatbull 2005.07.28
The Last Day Of Teal'c VisionText
DVD SRT 1437 Beatbull 2005.09.18
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x16 Reckoning I. (Leszámolás I.) and 8x17 Reckoning II. (Leszámolás II.) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1381 Beatbull 2005.09.18
SG-1 Directors Series - 8x19 Moebius I. (Moebius I.) and 8x20 Moebius II. (Moebius II.) (Peter DeLuise) VisionText
DVD SRT 1380 Beatbull 2005.09.18
Making Of Stargate Alliance VisionText
DVD SRT 1411 Beatbull 2005.09.16
It Takes A Crew To Raise A Village SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1231 Beatbull 2006.08.30
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x01 Avalon I. (Avalon I.) and 9x02 Avalon II. (Avalon II.) (Andy Mikita) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1315 Beatbull 2006.08.30
Inside The Stargate Prop Department SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1281 Beatbull 2006.08.30
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x05 The Powers That Be (Isteni hatalom) (William Waring) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1262 Beatbull 2006.08.30
Inside The Stargate Special Effects Department SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1229 Beatbull 2006.09.05
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x09 Prototype (Prototípus) (Peter DeLuise) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1225 Beatbull 2006.09.05
Stargate SG-1: An Introduction To Ben Browder SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1214 Beatbull 2006.09.05
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x15 Ethon (Ethon) (Ken Girotti) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1195 Beatbull 2006.09.05
Profile on Brad Wright SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1248 Beatbull 2006.09.05
SG-1 Directors Series - 9x19 Crusade (Keresztes háború) (Robert C. Cooper) SDI Media Group
DVD SRT 1260 Beatbull 2006.09.05

Címoldal Fórum Vendégkönyv Hírek Letöltés Kérdőív E-mail Frissítések Linkek GYIK